Stefan Dobrev

Stefan has been fighting entropy in software for more than a decade. He believes that nothing is impossible, it just takes a little longer to accomplish.

Stefan Dobrev

Co-Founder, CTO
Kiril Gantchev

Entrepreneur, Software Engineer, Blockchain Enthusiast and 3-times Startup Founder. Kiril has the keen eye for identifying risks early on, which helps our clients avoid pitfalls even before they materialize.

Kiril Gantchev

Co-Founder, CEO
Kristina Koeva

Super-smart craftswoman who constantly strives for perfection and is never afraid to dig into the depths of a technical problem. React Native superstar!

Kristina Koeva

"Swiss Knife" Superstar
Svetlin Mladenov

Svetlin might be young of age, but his understanding and desire to learn makes every ST6er say: “Wow!” He came with an immense motivation to learn new technologies and grow.

Svetlin Mladenov

Backend Expert
Dimitar Tsonev

A team player with superior problem-solving skills, attention to detail, and customer-focused personality! React Native Master Craftsman!

Dimitar Tsonev

Backend Expert
Simeon Babev

Simeon is an eternal optimist that embraces teamwork and strives for technical excellence. Fast learner with excellent work ethic. In love with React.

Simeon Babev

"Swiss Knife" Expert